4 Ways To Relieve Wisdom Teeth Pain By Yourself

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4 Ways To Relieve Wisdom Teeth Pain By Yourself

Wisdom tooth pain is a dental problem. That can cause pain to the sufferer. It also greatly impedes chewing or talking. Which, in addition to treating or alleviating symptoms by extracting teeth by a specialist dentist. We can also relieve the preliminary pain of wisdom teeth by ourselves. 

Wisdom tooth pain is a sign that the innermost molar teeth cannot protrude through the gums normally. or at the wrong angle until it affects the gums or other teeth Poor oral hygiene may result. And the risk of oral health problems such as toothache, bad breath, oral infection, tooth decay, gum disease from bacterial infection or a cyst around the jaw bone.

What are some ways to relieve wisdom teeth pain?

In general, dentists recommend that toothache sufferers get their teeth extracted early in order to prevent future oral health problems. While monitoring the change of the teeth or the tooth extraction is not yet due. If your wisdom tooth pain is interfering with your daily activities or bothering you Patients may choose to alleviate initial symptoms by the following UFABET methods:

1. Gargle with salt water.

Having good oral hygiene is important to reduce our oral health problems. Gargling with salt water is also a part of good oral hygiene. By contributing to a cleaner mouth Helps to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth. Helps to heal oral ulcers. Including relieving toothache 

People with wisdom tooth pain can gargle with salt water. Before and after brushing. It should gargle over the mouth and left for about 15-20 seconds. Before spitting it out. Before using the saline solution, you should carefully observe the inside of the package. Should not use if foreign matter is found or if the salt water has a different appearance.

2. Cold compress, hot compress

Cold compress is a way to reduce pain and swelling by bringing a cold gel or ice bag wrapped in a towel to compress the cheek or jaw on the side of the wisdom tooth that hurts. This will cause the blood vessels to contract and may feel numb to the skin. While warm compresses with warm water, hot water bags or heating patches will cause the blood vessels to dilate. Better blood flow It can relieve pain as well.

If cold compress with ice It should not directly attached to the skin. Because it may cause sunburn from cold (Frostbite) as well as hot compress that should careful. Do not use water or equipment that is too hot. Doing so may cause burns or blisters. 

3. Taking painkillers 

There are many types of over -the- counter pain relievers available to relieve wisdom teeth pain, such  as paracetamol or ibuprofen will vary Patients should therefore read the drug label carefully or seek advice from a pharmacist before taking. Especially if you have a medical history or are taking other medications.

All painkillers have limitations and can cause side effects. If the patient takes the drug and encounters side effects or adverse reactions You should stop taking the medication and talk to your pharmacist or see your doctor as soon as possible.

4. Use herbs to relieve pain.

Turmeric and clove oil are herbs that are said to help relieve toothache. Because curcumin (Curcumin) in turmeric and Eugenol (Eugenol) in clove oil have anti-inflammatory effects. This may help reduce swelling and pain from wisdom teeth that occur.

Taking too much turmeric and clove oil might have adverse effects on the body. People interested in using any product containing turmeric and clove oil, such as toothpaste or mouthwash. Always read the package label and use with caution. Especially pregnant women, children, the elderly and people with allergies to herbs or having underlying diseases.

If you have tried the above methods and the wisdom tooth pain does not subside. The pain became more intense. Poor cleaning of the affected area of ​​wisdom teeth can lead to poor oral hygiene. Or abnormalities in the mouth, teeth and gums are found. Patients should see a dentist immediately. for further diagnosis of wisdom teeth and appropriate treatment